Еврофест 2024 в Астане (1)

EuroFest2024 – День Европы в Казахстане! (RU•EN)

1 июня 2024 года Фонд развития парламентаризма в Казахстане принял участие в мероприятии организованном Европейским союзом в честь дня Европы EuroFest – 2024, в котором были представлены проекты, финансируемые ЕС.

Фонд развития парламентаризма в Казахстане представил  цели и задачи проекта  «ENABLE – Гражданское общество за устойчивый и энергоэффективный город», а также рассказал о проведенной выставке «Перспективы устойчивого развития крупных жилых массивов − планирование, энергетическая модернизация и энергоэффективность» всем желающим узнать о проекте.

Проект реализуется Фондом развития парламентаризма в Казахстане (ФРПК), г. Астана в партнерстве с Ассоциацией КСК г. Алматы, Инициативой «Жилищное хозяйство в Восточной Европе» (IWO e.V.), г. Берлин, Германия, Петропавловской региональной ассоциацией КСК, г. Петропавловск.

On 20 June 2024, an event dedicated to the implementation of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) between the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Rixos Hotel (7 Kunaeva Street, Astana). This agreement is the first of its kind signed by the EU with a partner in Central Asia and brings to a new level the cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan, which has a history of more than 30 years.

On 1 March 2020, the EPA entered into force, ratified by all EU Member States and the European Parliament. The EPCA promotes and strengthens cooperation between the EU and its Member States and Kazakhstan in key areas: financial and economic cooperation, culture and research, social policy, justice and human rights, sustainable development and green economy. During the event, the implementation plan of the EPCA EU-Kazakhstan and the projects of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) cofinanced by the EU were presented.

The Programme Director Arsen Kudabaev from the Kazakhstan Parliamentary Development Fund (KPDF) presented the project «ENABLE – Civil Society for Sustainable and Energy Efficient City», implemented in partnership with Almaty City Association of Apartment Owners’ Cooperatives (ALMATY ASSOCIATION) and the Petropavlovsk Regional Association of Consumer Cooperatives of Apartment Owners (PETROPAVLOVSK ASSOCIATION) and coordinated by IWO. The presented project was highly appreciated and received undisguised interest among the participants. Thanks to the organisers, the participants got a valuable opportunity for networking and further cooperation within the framework of the projects being implemented with the EU support. Furthermore, they were also able to discuss possible future cooperation in other projects.

Еврофест 2024 в Астане (1)
Еврофест 2024 в Астане (2)

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